nebula NGC 2244 – Taken under clear sky conditions. Heavy
light pollution, stars visible down to magnitude 4.5.
on 3 separate evenings using 80mm f/7 refractor, with focal reducer
to f/6.3.Vixen Atlas mount PHD auto guiding Astronomik narrow band
filters Sll, 2 hours Olll, 2 hours H-alpha 3 hour exposure. Captured 10
minute sub-frames with matching dark frames combined with flat field
frames to reduce the effect of vignetting in the final image. The
composition image taken using two telescopes 4” refractor and 80mm
refractor total exposure time 9hrs 40 mins
RGB + Hubble Palette
Hubble palette
The Tadpole Nebula. Image was taken under clear sky conditions under
bright moonlight. Stars visible down to magnitude 4 so only
narrowband imaging was possible . The telescope used was an 80mm
refractor with a focal reducer making it F6.3 . Also using a Vixen
Atlux mount with PHD auto guiding. The camera was an Atik 383L mono
CCD camera with a set of Astronomik narrowband filters S11, One hour
Olll, one hour and H-alpha, three hours. I captured ten minute
subframes with matching dark frames and combined them with flat field
frames to reduce the effect of vignetting in the final image. The
composition image however was taken using three separate telescopes a
ten inch reflector and a four inch refractor
Hubble Palette
Three scopes