Sunday 28 April 2024

Thor's Helmet

Here we have data taken using two telescopes, a 4 inch  f/6.3 refractor combined with data taken using a 10 inch f/4.8 reflector.

The Eyes NGC4435 and NGC4438 .

This group of galaxies lies in the centre of the Markarian chain, the heart of the Virgo cluster. I was using a ten inch F /4.8 reflector, a Vixen Atlux mount, PHD auto guiding , an Atik 383L mono CCD camera and a blue filter for the luminance data. I captured 60 minutes of data using the camera set on X1 bin mode with five minute sub frames and 30 minutes of data with the camera set on X2 bin mode taking 1 minute subframes. This data was then combined together with matching dark frames and flat field frames to reduce the effect of noise and vignetting in the final image. Finally I combined  this with old colour data taken using a 4 inch refractor.

Thursday 25 April 2024

The night sky from Newport wetlands

The camera was set on ISO 3200 a Cannon 50 D . The lens was set at 18mm a F4 capturing  8 sets of 4 second exposures . I averaged them together and averaged again calibrating the position of the stars due to the rotation of the earth .

Bootes and Corona Borealis

East Usk Lighthouse and Arcturus

East Usk Lighthouse and Hercules rising

Herculese Bootes and Corona Brealis

Orion setting

Perseus Cassiopeia and Cepheus

Taurus and Auriga