B33, The Horsehead nebula . This is a section of a vast star forming region in the constellation of Orion . Five minute sub frames and dark frames were captured using an Atik 383L CCD camera, a ten inch f/4.8 reflector and PHD auto guiding software. The total exposure time was 90 minutes using a H-alpha filter and 15 minutes using RGB filters.
NGC2024. This hydrogen emission nebula lies in the star forming complex of Orion the hunter at a distance of about 1,500 light years. Five minute sub frames were captured and combined with matching dark frames. The total exposure time was ninety minutes using a H-alpha filter and twenty minutes using RGB filters. This image was taken using a ten inch f/4.8 reflector, PHD auto guiding and an Atik 383L mono CCD camera.
Mosaic of the two images