Friday, 13 December 2019

The Crescent and Soap bubble nebulae

 NCC6888  Crescent nebula & soap bubble nebula . This patch of nebulosity lies deep within the constellation of Cygnus the swan. I consider the soap bubble nebula as being a very challenging object from an urban location because of its low surface brightness. I was using a 80mm refractor a Vixen Atlux mount, an Atik 383L mono ccd camera and a set of Astronomik narrowband filters: Sll. Olll and HA. I captured ten minute sub frames with matching dark frames and combined them with flat field frames to reduce the effect of vignetting in the final image. The total exposure times was 1 hour and 20 minutes using an Sll filter. I hour and 30 minutes using a Olll filter, and 4 hours 30 minutes using a HA filter. This data was taken on 2 separate evenings the first was a clear, moonless night, the second under a clear quarter moon.

The Crescent and Soap bubble nebulae

Soap bubble nebula