Sunday 14 February 2021

NGC 6960 and NGC 6992 The Cygnus Loop

I took these two images using my 80mm f/6.3 refractor, a Vixen Atlux mount, an Atik 383L mono CCD camera, a set of Astronomik narrowband filters and PHD autoguiding.

The images were taken on separate nights with the camera set on x2 bin mode. I captured 2.5 minute sub-frames and combined them with Flat fields to reduce the effect of vignetting in the final image. These data were then combined with old data taken with the camera set on x1 bin mode.

The total exposure times were 30 minutes for each narrowband filter on x2 bin mode and 60 minutes for each filter on x1 bin mode. All data were captured with matching dark frames.

Click on an image to get a closer view.



Cygnus loop mosaic, Hubble Palette

Components of the Cygnus Loop