Monday, 6 January 2025

Barnard's loop

This image of Orion contains  lots of nebulousity, Barnard's loop. M42 the Orion nebula, The Horeshead Nebula,  The Flame Nebula ,M78 and the Rosette Nebula .

I piggybacked an Atik 383L mono CCD camera with a 35mm camera lens on my ten inch reflector mounted on a Vixen Atlux mount. I captured 60 second sub frames with matching dark frames to reduce the effect of noise in the final image  .

I also attached filters to the lens .

The total exposure time was 90 minutes using a H-Alpha filter, 120 minutes using a S11 filter, 30 minutes using an O111 filter, 25 minutes using a H-Beta filter and 35 minute using a blue filter .

The equipment

Orion nebulosity with Barnard's loop